GSSSB Recruitment 2017 for 432 Head Clerk, Accountant, Social Welfare Inspector & Other

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GSSSB Social Welfare Inspector, Accountant Job 2017

Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GSSSB) published notification for recruitment of Municipal Accountant, Municipal Dy. Accountant, Accountant / Supervisor, Accountant, Social Welfare Inspector, Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Head Clerk / Social Welfare Inspector Posts. For more details regarding education qualification, pay scale, how to apply, selection process, no of posts, last date for submission application and other details are available at given below link. You can get full details for this recruitment as under. Online application for above said recruitment will be started from 24 January, 2017.

GSSSB Job details 

  • No. of posts: 432
  • Name of posts: 
    • Municipal Accountant: 25 Posts
    • Municipal Dy. Accountant: 17 Posts
    • Accountant / Supervisor: 44 Posts
    • Accountant: 42 Posts
    • Social Welfare Inspector: 65 Posts
    • Assistant Social Welfare Officer: 73 Posts
    • Assistant Social Welfare Officer: 39 Posts
    • Head Clerk / Social Welfare Inspector: 127 Posts [Head Clerk: 60 Posts | Social Welfare Inspector: 67 Posts]

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  • Educational qualification & Age limit (as on 07/02/2017): 
    • Municipal Accountant:
      • Possess-(i) a degree in Master of Business Administration or Master of Computer Application or Master of Commerce or Master of Science (Mathematics / Statistics) or Master of Arts ( Statistics / Economics /Mathematics) obtain from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such by the Government or declared to be deemed as University under section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act 1956 ; or possess as equivalent qualification recognized by the Government; or 
      • a second class degree in Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Science (Mathematics / Statistics) or Bachelor of Arts (Statistics / Economics /Mathematics) obtain from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such by the Government or declared to be deemed as University under section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act 1956 ; or possess as equivalent qualification recognized by the Government
        • 37 years
    • Municipal Dy. Accountant:
      • Possess - a degree in Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Science (Mathematics / Statistics) or Bachelor of Arts ( Statistics / Economics / Mathematics) obtain from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such by the Government or declared to be deemed as University under section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act 1956 ; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government.
        • 35 years
    • Accountant / Supervisor:
      • Possess - a Bachelors’ degree in Commerce obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as University under section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act 1956 ; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government
        • 35 years
    • Accountant:
      • Possess - a Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Commerce, Science (Mathematics / Statistics) or Arts (Statistics / Economics /Mathematics) obtained from the Universities, incorporated or established by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed University under section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act 1956 ; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government.
        • 35 years
    • Social Welfare Inspector:
      • Possess - a second class degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed to be as University under section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act 1956 ; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government.
        • 35 years
    • Assistant Social Welfare Officer:
      • a Bachelor degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed University under section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act 1956 ; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government
        • 35 years
    • Assistant Social Welfare Officer:
      • a bachelor degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared as deemed University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act. 1956; or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Government.
        • 35 years
    • Head Clerk / Social Welfare Inspector:
      • Possess a bacherlor’s degree obtained from from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India or any other educational institution recognized as such or declaredto be deemedas a University under section 3 of the University Grante Commission Act, 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government
        • 35 years
  • Application Fee: Only General Category Candidates have to pay of Rs. 112/- (Rs. 100/- fee + Rs. 12/- Service charges) through any Computerized Post Office.

How to apply: 

  • Interested and eligible candidates can apply online for above said posts. 
Selection Process: 
  • Final selection will be based on written examination & proficiency test.

Related: IDBI Bank Recruitment 2017 for 111 Specialist Officer (SO)

Important dates: 

  • Advertisement No.: 111/2016-17 | 112/2016-17 | 113/2016-17 | 114/2016-17 | 115/2016-17 | 116/2016-17 | 117/2016-17 | 118/2016-17 
  • Online application start from: 24/01/2017 (started 02:00 PM) 
  • Last date for online application: 07/02/2017 (till 11:59 PM)
  • Last date for submission fee in computerized post office: 10/02/2017 (till 03:00 PM) 

Important links: 

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