Vananchal Gramin Bank 49 Officer & Office Assistant Recruitment, 2015

Posted on: By: Anonymous
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Vananchal Gramin Bank
Vananchal Gramin Bank, Jharkhand published notification for recruitment for Officer in Middle Management Grade (Scale II), Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multi purpose) posts. You can view official advertisement by following link.

Total no of Posts: 49

Name of Posts:
  • Officer Junior Management Scale -I: 17 Posts
  • Officer (General Banking Officer) Scale -II: 07 Posts
  • Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 25 Posts

Educational Qualification: Eligibility Criteria is to be considered as per RRBs CWE-III Advertisement published in Employment News / Rozgar Samachar Issue Dated 28th June–4th July, 2014 released by IBPS.

Pre-Requisite Qualifications: Candidates who have been declared qualified in the RRBs-Online CWE conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 should have obtained the following scores as given below.
Vananchal Gramin Bank
Selection Process: 
  • Office Assistant (Multipurpose): Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-III conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Scores (TWS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category.
  • Officer Scale-I: Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-III conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Scores (TWS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category.
  • Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer): Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-III conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Scores (TWS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category.

Important date:
  • Start date for online application: 07/07/2015
  • Last date for online application: 22/07/2015

Important link:
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