Kamdhenu University (gandhinagar) published advertisement for various posts. Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar has been newly established by the Government of Gujarat by Gujarat Act No. 9 of 2009 to established and incorporate a teaching and affiliating University for the development of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and for furthering the advancement of learning, conducting of research and dissemination of finding of research and other technical information in Veterinary and Animal Science including Dairy Science, Fisheries and allied sciences in State of Gujarat. The University invites applications in the prescribed form for the posts mentioned below:
No. of posts: 34
Name of the posts:
- Director of Research & Dean Post Graduate Studies
- Director of Extension Education
- Associate Director of Research
- Associate Director of Extension Education
- Principal (Dairy Science)
- Principal (L.I.T.C.)
- Associate Professor
- Director of Student Welfare
- Planning Officer
- Registrar
- University Librarian
- Account Office-cum-Comptroller
- Deputy Registrar
- Assistant Registrar
- Executive Engineer
- Deputy Engineer
- Assistant Librarian
- Account Officer / Audit Officer
- P.A. (Steno Grade-1)-English
Processing fee for general candidate is Rs.1000/- & for S.C. / S.T. / S.E.B.C./ P.H. candidate of Gujarat processing fee is Rs.250/-. The application should be submitted online from website http://ojas.sauguj.in after downloading the bank chalan and payment of processing fee in cash in any of the branch of State Bank of India.
The hard copy of the application supported with attested copies of certificates, pertaining to the qualifications and experience accompanied with the copy of the bank chalan application fees deposited in State Bank of India should reach to the Registrar Kamdhenu University, Block-B, Podium Level, Krushi Bhavan, Sector-10-A, Gandihingar-382010 on or before 24-12-2014 The University research its right not to fill-in all or any post if deems necessary.
Relaxation up to five years in upper age limit shall be admissible for male candidates of the reserved categories of Gujarat and ten years for Female & physically handicapped candidates as per the criteria prescribed by Govt. of Gujarat.
Educational Qualification: Various (see detailed advertisement below)
Age limit: Various (see detailed advertisement below)
Important dates:
- Online application show: 08/12/2014
- Last date for online application: 01/01/2015
- Print bank challan: 08/12/2014 to 31/12/2014
- Online submission of application through website: 09/12/2014 to 01/01/2015
- Last date of hard copy of online application form should reach on or before: 15/01/2015