Rajya Sabha Television (RSTV) proposes to hold Walk-in-Interviews for
engagement of suitable candidates to various professional positions to be filled up
on contract basis for a period which may extend up to three years. Names of the
professional positions to be filled and the eligibility conditions for the same are
indicated in Annexure – ‘A’. Only Indian citizens between 21 to 58 years of age
are eligible to apply. The monthly professional fee payable for these positions is
negotiable and shall be determined on the basis of applicants’ expertise,
experience and professional standing.
Interested and eligible candidates may appear for registration/walk-ininterview
as per the schedule given in Annexure – ‘B’ at the Office of Rajya
Sabha Television, 4th Floor, Talkatora Stadium Annexe Building, New Delhi-
110001 along with six copies of the application form duly filled up and signed as
given in Annexure – ‘C’. Testimonials/certificates are not required at the time
of registration/interview. Original documents of the selected candidates will be
verified before they are engaged. No TA/DA will be paid for the interview.
View official advertisement below for more details about this recruitment including schedule for registration and interview.
Name of posts:
- Assistant Manager (IT) - (01 Posts)
- Senior Broadcast Engineer - (03 Posts)
- Broadcast Engineer - (05 Posts)
- Senior Technical Executive (Broadcast) - (04 Posts)
- Technical Executive (Broadcast) - (02 Post)
- Senior Engineer (IT) - (01 Post)
- Senior Technical Executive (IT) - (01 Post)
- Technical Executive (IT) – (04 Posts)
- Senior Technical Executive (Video) - (01 Post)
- Technical Executive (Video) – (04 Posts)
- Senior Technical Executive (Audio) - (02 Posts)
- Technical Executive (Audio) - (03 Posts)
- Maintenance Engineer - (01 Post)
- Electrician - (05 Posts)
- Technician - (04 Posts)
Interview date: 26/03/2015 to 01/04/2015 (see official advt. for details)