IIT Gandhinagar JRF Recruitment, 2014

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Gandhinagar published notification for recruitment for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Post. View more details about this recruitment e. g. age limit, qualification, how to apply, selection procedure and application form as under. You / Download can view official advertisement for the above said post by following link.

Total No of Posts: 01

Names of the Posts: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Education Qualification: Master’s level degree in Engineering, and /or a good B.Tech degree with strong domain knowledge in Fluid Dynamics, Structural Dynamics and skill sets in the specified areas, strong aptitude for mathematical and numerical modelling, knowledge of high performance computing skills in implementing computational engineering and science algorithms and softwares on multi-core and GPU / CUDA computing platforms and good communication skills. Familiarity with Linux Operating Systems and parallel computing will be useful.

Selection Process: Short listed candidates will be called for interview.

Send your application by E-mail: RDM@iitgn.ac.in.

Note: The fellowship will be limited to three years carrying a monthly consolidated stipend of Rs. 18000/- + 20% HRA and medical benefits as per the Institute norms. The progress of research work would be evaluated annually through annual progress reports. On completion of two years as JRF the stipend of a fellow may be increased to Rs. 20,000/- p.m. + 20% HRA for the 3rd year subject to an assessment of the candidate's research progress and achievements. In the event that the candidate is not upgraded, the fellow will continue as JRF with a stipend of Rs. 18,000/- p.m. + 20% HRA for the 3rd year. JRFs can also register for pursuing Ph.D programme in the same area of research at IIT Gandhinagar if they qualify for admission to the program.

Important Date
  • Last Date for Submission application: 20/12/2014 
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